Eva Bülow Bülow Clinic

How the Program works

The Bulow Program


Book a free consultation

Book a 15 minutes long free consultation with Eva Bulow. This will give you answers to what changes you will be in need of, regardless if it’s your health issues or you just want to lose weight.



Approval and arrangement

After the consultation you will get all the details how to start the process if you decide to start the Program. We will decide a payment arrangement that works for you and which day you want to start.


Preparation for start up

Before you start you will get a personal review by Eva. What foods to eat, recipes, her book “Eat for your Life” which you will have as a homework to read, and what to drink during the Program. You will measure your body from the neck down to your ankles and weigh yourself.


Phase 1

You are going to talk to your coach 4 days a week and text the remaining 3 days. During Phase 1 you don’t need to exercise, if you don’t want to, only walk 1 hour/day.

The only fat you’ll get rid of is the unnatural fat that sits in the places where it didn’t sit from the beginning. The fat will disappear from the inside out and you will not have any hanging, flabby skin.



In order to reach your goal you first need to BE, then you have to DO in order to HAVE. This is what the coaching will help you to achieve.

Every day during the Program we measure your weight and what is going on in your body, mind and spirit. You are personally coached on all levels because everything is connected with everything. If one of these components is out of balance, the whole body is off balance. This is the “reset” of your body.


Phase 2

After finishing Phase 1 of Bulow Program you will be guided into the next step of the Program. In Phase 2 we will tailor-make food combinations that suits you and your body. We will implement 1 food item to the “basic food list” at a time to see what works for you.


Phase 3

Now you are going to be able to eat everything, but not always. You have all the tools in the toolbox in order to maintain your new weight for the rest of your life by making conscious choices. Every choice has a consequence and you are the only one who decides what consequence you want to have.


Hear from our clients

Here can you listen to some clients who have completed the program.

Testimonials. Klient berättar. Erik. Bülow Clinic.


"Day to day coaching was the big difference for me"

Testimonials. Klient berättar. Johanna. Bülow Clinic.


"The Bulow Program is comprehensive, it's not just about weight loss"

Testimonials. Klient berättar. Erik. Bülow Clinic.


"Day to day coaching was the big difference for me"

Testimonials. Klient berättar. Johanna. Bülow Clinic.


"The Bulow Program is comprehensive, it's not just about weight loss"

Book a free consultation

Book a 15 minutes free consultation with Eva Bulow to get a better understanding on how it works. There are a few available slots every week. Fill in the form and we will come back with suggestions that will work for you.

Eva Bülow Bülow Clinic

Eva Bulow

Certified Nurse & Coach